selfbinda installation guide


SELFBINDA Product Information and Installation Instructions

SELFBINDA Path Gravel is a natural quarried limestone which is carefully processed and graded to approximately 16mm to fines. Due to the natural properties of the selected limestone, the fines act as the binding agent when watered and compacted as described below, forming a natural self-binding surface,

Laying Instructions

It is recommended that SELFBINDA Path Gravel is laid at minimum compacted depth of 50mm for pedestrian traffic and 75mm for vehicular traffic. The approximate bulk density when compacted is 2 tonnes per cubic metre.

 SELFBINDA path gravel should be laid on a porous sub base material such as MOT Type 1. The depth of the foundation material should be of sufficient strength and stability to carry the proposed traffic and porous enough to ensure that water is not held directly in or below the SELFBINDA Path Gravel.

 It is vital that the foundation is compacted sufficiently to achieve maximum compaction. The SELFBINDA Path Gravel should be spread evenly on the compacted foundation with a solid lute to keep the fines on the surface to give a tight bonded finish. It must then be compacted using a roller of similar type as used for the foundation layer, with a vibratory action and compacted to maximum compaction. Extra water may be required depending on the gravel’s moisture to obtain a well bonded finish. Water should be added as a fine spray of directly onto the roller. Do not over water.

 SELFBINDA Path Gravel must be paid to falls or cambers to shed surface water. An adequate fall would be 1-55 to 1-60. To avoid ruts occurring through the action of the flowing water, it is best not to lay SELFBINDA PSATH GRAVEL on steep slopes where the angle of fall is greater than 1 in 15. Steep slopes can be terraced or SELFBINDA PATH GRAVEL can be ixed with white cement to a ratio of 1 part cement to 6 parts gravel and compacted in the normal fashion. Do not add extra water unless absolutely necessary and take care not to overwater. One a uniform appearance has been achieved and has been sufficiently compacted (watered if necessary) this should then be allowed to settle and dry out before being used.

Maintenance Guide Plan

A) Over time with weathering and trafficking the surface on the SELFBINDA Path Gravel may segregate, giving a loose dressing of chippings on the surface whilst maintaining a solid base. To maintain a smooth appearance the loose chippings can be swept away with a soft brush from the surface (appearance to personal choice).

B) Ensure drainage areas are kept free to ensure drainage of surface water including drains and gutters.

C) Potholes that may occur due to damage should be repaired by cutting out affected areas to a straight edge down to the sub base. The replace with fresh SELFBINDA Path Gravel.

D) To resurface SELFBINDA Path Gravel, the top of the surface should be scarified to a depth of 25mm and the loose material discarded. A fresh layer of SELFBINDA Path Gravel should then be laid and compacted in accordance with the laying guide.

E) Remove leaves and other light debris with a blower or sweep with a soft brush. Avoid mechanical or heavy sweeping.

F) If weed occurs, treat with water based weed killer. Avoid lifting weed until terminated as this will discard the compacted surface.